Friday, February 16, 2007

I Shoud Write a Book

So many times in my life I have been told, "You should write a book!" Well, I would, but where in the world would I start? Lately, I received a unique suggestion to that question, which the beginning! The problem life may not have been boring, but I fear my writing style and creativity may be!

I am being "prodded, encouraged and nudged" by my beautiful daughter, whom many of you know as Sister Mary Lisa. She, by the way, is the child who gave me my "Madre" nickname. When you have 7 (yes, I said seven) children calling you "Mom" all day, someone very smart finally created something unusual that I learned to recognize and respond to, despite all the "mom" words flying around.

I was born the youngest of five girls. It is said that my mother cried when they announced my sex-it was her final and last ditch effort to provide a son for my father, and she failed! I believe she eventually appreciated my gender, since I was the only one available to take care of her and dad in their final 10 yrs of life. I could be wrong, but I don't think there are many sons who provide that service for their folks.

I was also raised in a home of mostly adults, there being 4-6 yrs between each of us. Consequently, I heard a lot of "grow up" and "don't be so silly" criticisms. My home was also a very strict Mormon home, which I think gave me some very sound, good values-some of which I have forsaken! And, for that reason, I don't really have a relationship with any of my sisters, which is sad. It did, however, give me the strength to hang in there and do what I needed to do at times when the going seemed impossible. On the other hand, it encouraged me to hang in there in other situations when it would have been much less painful to simply "cut my losses" and give up! So....I have always said, "There is nothing so bad that some good can't come of it. And, there is nothing so good that some bad can't come of it".

Well, this is just a small capsulization of aka madre. I hope you aren't bored to death! In the coming months I hope to learn to get to know you all better. And, I hope to share more of me...I am not a protected, virgin eared saintly woman. So, for those of you who have expressed concern over me reading their blogs....not to worry. I just hope I don't shock you all to death at times!

Ta da....aka madre