Wednesday, December 3, 2008


On my dad's 65th birthday, I called him at about 6:00 a.m. so I could talk uninterrupted from my 7 kids. After I wished him a happy birthday, he said, "Oh, you are so rich!" I laughed because our entire married life we were below poverty level...and I said, "What in the world do you mean? We aren't rich!"

He answered, " Oh, you are rich because you have so many kids! When you get my age and you have everything you need, money doesn't mean anything. That's when your kids and grandchildren are what matter. And, wow! Are you rich!"

Well, I'm not that far from 65 now. And I'm here to say that he was right! My children and grandchildren are my most precious assets. I wish each one of them could open my heart and see all the love I have for him/her. It's so overwhelming that most of the time the only way I can express it is through my leaking eyes. Words simply can't do it.

I love you guys!


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Thanks, daughter

My wonderful daughter, SML, sent me three incredible poetry books by Pulitzer Prize winning author, Mary Oliver, for my birthday and Mother's Day. She suggested I blog when I find a particularly moving poem. I came across this one this morning and I love it...


The milkweed now with their many pods are standing
like a country of dry women.
The wind lifts their flat leaves and drops them.
This is not kind, but they retain a certain crisp glamour;
moreover, it's easy to believe
each one was once young and delicate, also
frightened, also capable
of a certain amount of rough joy.
I wish you would walk with me out into the world.
I wish you could see what has to happen, how
each one crackles like a blessing
over its thin children as they rush away.

Thank you, sweetheart. A wonderful Mother's Day gift!

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Once you and I were one.
We filled the nooks and crannies of
Each other's lonliness.
But, unfailingly, life began creeping in...
Insidiously finding every small fissure-
Pushing and shoving them into crevaces
Through which all the good could escape.
Now we are broken.