Saturday, May 10, 2008

Thanks, daughter

My wonderful daughter, SML, sent me three incredible poetry books by Pulitzer Prize winning author, Mary Oliver, for my birthday and Mother's Day. She suggested I blog when I find a particularly moving poem. I came across this one this morning and I love it...


The milkweed now with their many pods are standing
like a country of dry women.
The wind lifts their flat leaves and drops them.
This is not kind, but they retain a certain crisp glamour;
moreover, it's easy to believe
each one was once young and delicate, also
frightened, also capable
of a certain amount of rough joy.
I wish you would walk with me out into the world.
I wish you could see what has to happen, how
each one crackles like a blessing
over its thin children as they rush away.

Thank you, sweetheart. A wonderful Mother's Day gift!

1 comment:

Sister Mary Lisa said...

You're very welcome. I love this poem, and I love you.